Choose the Champions of Customer Service

We are a proud partner of Zendesk. We believe in empowering customer service teams to strive for excellence and to build longer lasting business relationships with the best platform today.

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Personalised conversations are more memorable

We believe that a great first impression is the foundation of a long-lasting relationship. Wow your customers and make them feel heard every single time. Zendesk makes being awesome at customer service look easy.

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Leverage your channels and build better experiences

Use Zendesk to elevate customer experiences, build effective sales relationships, and complete the customer journey

Get setup easily

Configuring Zendesk is easy and super flexible. All it takes is a few clicks and you’re on your way to providing data-driven and immersive customer experiences.

Build safer workflows

Contact Centers who shift to using Zendesk have found success by building better, safer, and faster workflows.

Get to know your customers

Zendesk makes finding relevant information about customers easy and super efficient. Need more data on their past purchases? Are you looking to make a sales suggestion? Zendesk’s interaction history houses all these and more!

Deliver Faster Resolution

By providing users quality customer insights, better ticket management, and powerful CRM features, Zendesk makes the customer journey easier and faster.

Collaborate and manage cases better

Keep everyone in the loop and work on tickets together. Zendesk even lets external stakeholders weigh in and be part of the journey towards resolution.

Escalate cases better

Zendesk’s automation features are customizable and very easy to run and promotes easy collaboration and escalation.

See relevant tickets as they come

With Zendesk's customizable views, you can filter tickets appropriately so you don't miss a thing.

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Improve your customer service teams

With Zendesk, your team members are left accountable for the cases they handle. This enables them to become the best versions of themselves.

Trusted by brands of all shapes and sizes
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Discover the game-changer your customer support has been waiting for

Elevate satisfaction, earn loyalty, and drive word-of-mouth referrals with a ticketing system that takes your customer experience to the next level.

Try it now
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Omnichannel Experience

With Nautilus Talk on Zendesk, you get the best of both worlds. Consolidate all your customer interactions in one place.

Check out Nautilus Talk
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Unsure if Zendesk is the right fit? Let's Chat and Find out

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